What is Coaching with Trish and how does it work?

Have you been considering coaching to get some help with setting and/or reaching your goals?

Coaching is a great way to improve your chances of success!

Many people have heard about life and/or health coaching but aren’t really sure how it works. So, if that is you, you are not alone. Just about anyone can benefit from coaching, including other coaches.

Coaching helps individuals and groups to establish goals in different areas – whether it be life in general, career, business, finances, health and/or fitness, etc.  With the help of your coach YOU will determine what you want to work on. You will set goals that are reachable, and YOU will decided how to work towards them.

So what does your coach do?Trish - Coaching for Change

Before answering that, I must share with you one thing that coaching is NOT. Coaching is not therapy. If during your coaching sessions, therapy is determined as one of the resources required to meet your goals, I will assist with the process of finding the right therapist for you.

As your coach my goal is to help you work through that process. I will ask you the questions that will point you in the right direction. I will assist with researching both the issues/presenting obstacles and how to overcome them. I will help you to find the resources needed to be successful. And I will walk you through the process of setting the goals and objectives required to meet those goals.

Now once you have a clear idea of where you are wanting to be, and how you want to get there, we will decide together what support you require in moving forward. Primarily I will be your accountability partner. I will be looking for updates and helping to assess how your progress is coming. I will work with you to determine if there are new goals of reaching higher and/or maintaining the successes achieved.

How long will you need to work with a coach?

The answer to how long is completely up to you. You get to decide when we are done. You also get to decide how flexible the accountability will be and what will happen if you do not hold up your end of the bargain. Have you reached the goals you hoped to? Is the coaching relationship successfully assisting your journey?  Have you determined new goals to work on? Many people work with coaches for at least several months. Some people work with coaches for years and move through varying stages and or issues as they go.

I will “meet” with you via email, or virtual chat (text or audio) on a weekly basis (or otherwise, as determined in your sessions). I will help you navigate through a series of questions and conversations. The first session is a get to know you opportunity about where you are today and where you think you’d like to be headed, or what issue(s) you’d like to work on. This will also give you an opportunity to learn a little more about me and whether I would make a good fit for the coaching you are looking for.

What will be expected of you?

During sessions you will find yourself sharing/talking a lot more than listening. And you will be the decision-maker on this path.

In between our sessions you will have assignments, determined by you – with my assistance. I will be looking for an update during or prior to our next session(s). I may offer to provide resources to help with your journey. Most importantly, we will determine outcomes that will help us to know if you have achieved the desired objective and/or goal. And we will set a timeline by which you will work on them.

Coaching should not be stressful, but will be a bit uncomfortable. The only way to achieve change is to step outside of your comfort zone and do something that is at least a little bit of a stretch for you.

We will also determine what your learning style is and what will help you to be motivated to make the necessary changes to move forward. If this involves some sort of reward(s), we’ll establish what those rewards should be, and later, if they worked for your desired outcome. That way we will be able to set effective outcomes and rewards (or consequencWellness, parenting and social media coachinges if appropriate) going forward.

So what can we work on in our coaching sessions?


My areas of specialty are health and wellness; parenting/family/relationships/child care/and child development; social media marketing; curating family stories; and more. That being said I am able to work with you on just about anything that you identify as being important. My role is to ask you the questions that will help YOU to identify WHAT and HOW to work on the issue(s)/goal(s).

If you are ready to get started, or would like speak with me for a short consult to learn more, please complete my contact form. Or… you can join us on Facebook for a closed discussion about how coaching works.

I look forward to working with you!



Book list for 2017… (Books read so far)

I used to document each  book I’ve read and responses to them. I’d like to get back to that. Once I get caught up, I may work backwards and share some of the responses I’ve had to books I’ve already read this year.

Self Portrait, Reading, Book

To start I’ll share my book list read so far in 2017:


, Sheila Watt-Cloutier

, Rajiv Surendra

, Kristin Hannah

, Karyn L. Freedman

, Robert J. Sawyer

, Andre Alexis

, Gretchen Reuben

, Sarah Blake

, Marian Keyes

, Dave Kerpen

, Tami Stackelhouse

, Simon Sinek

, Greg Morgtenson

, Nia Vardalos

, Trevor Noah

, Linden MacIntyre

, Tami Stackelhouse

, Linden MacIntyre

, Malika Oufkir

, Nicholas Sparks


Drop me a note in the comments below, or connect with me on Twitter @ceilidhontherun or email me at trish at trishblogs dot com!

I invite you to subscribe to my blog using one of the options available on my page (email, rss, Google Connect, like my page on Facebook, etc.)

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Are you thinking about starting a side-hustle too?

I am always thinking about starting my own business and it seems somehow more do-able as a side-hustle.

Photo by Paul Wesson Photography

Photo by Paul Wesson Photography

The challenge to move forward, my side-hustle

I sit here contemplating the adjustments our bodies go through from to pre-op to post-op/recovery from major surgery. I am struck by my challenge with moving forward these days. Every time my health seems to be on the upswing, something else comes along…

I feel like much of my life has had the same kind of momentum. Two days ago I was ready to start spending my recovery days working on a project. I pulled out my laptop and launched my current digital scrapbooking project and worked on a few pages, knowing that tomorrow I’d have more time to complete more. “Tomorrow” came and I felt like crap. Hot & cold. Achy all over. I woke up late and then had no energy or ability to focus. So I read a little, watched a movie related to another personal project and tackled about 2 more pages. One thing I have learned but seem to need to keep re-learning is that we never know what tomorrow will bring. Today we must live as if it’s the only day/moment that we have.

Take action now

Now I could consider this as a bit of a fail in the world of follow-through, or I could cut myself a little slack, and see what the next tomorrow brings. It’s not that I can’t do that. But, I feel like life throws an awful lot of wrenches my way, and I wonder when dodging those wrenches becomes making excuses. Today, I slept. More than half the day away. It took some time to get my butt in gear. I still feel a bit wonky, but better. I will work on that project next, but I first thought my mind has cleared enough to tackle a bigger project. The side-hustle project. The project that requires a bit more focus and clarity.


My blog. This project has been in the works a long time and has certainly been far more active and likely more influential by times. It’s still my side-hustle of choice. I just haven’t figured out exactly what the plan with it is. One thing I know is that I need to keep moving forward to build the momentum back up. Hopefully in the process the plan will become clearer.


Just as we have to be prepared to have a little flexibility with our plans in life, clearly we also need to with plans in business. It’s hard not to feel like that is some sort of indication of my ability or passion. So, I try not to pay much heed to where I have been, and keep my eye on where this may be headed. Here’s hoping I can pin that down soon.


I’ve found a few great resources that I turn to while trying to do just that:

I have followed Chris Guillebeau for quite a while now, from before his first book launched. Most recently, I got a lot out of his Book “Born for This”, and I’ve started following his new project “You Need a Side Hustle”. Chris gives a new perspective to all of the traditional business model advice that is out there. It is very refreshing.

Another great leader I recently started following is Marie Forleo. She is another who speaks passionately with her own voice. Following her videos feels a lot like you would imagine sitting across a diner table and chatting would feel like. I’ve been considering taking one of her courses and have noticed a new project “Start the Right Business” just launched today that seems to be calling out to me. Here’s hoping I can get the extra funds together soon!

Both Chris and Marie focus on taking Action more than anything. I’d love to get moving!

What actions are you taking to make that side-hustle/business happen? Do you have any great resources to share?


Drop me a note in the comments below, or connect with me on Twitter @ceilidhontherun or email me at trish at trishblogs dot com!

I invite you to subscribe to my blog using one of the options available on my page (email, rss, Google Connect, like my page on Facebook, etc.)

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Leadership Notebook – Prompt #1

Leadership Notebook

Prompt #1

What is leadership?

I have been in a couple of scenarios where someone just stood out as a leader, whether or not they were officially assigned the role.

In both cases the leader was so well connected with their followers, they seemed almost to be close personal friends. They had a strong vision of what the end goal was and little could distract them from that goal. They did things with purpose, and generally had the buy-in of those around them. They had enough influence that at times when the followers didn’t agree, they still moved forward, knowing that this was the means to the end that they sought after.

I have been in a few management roles, where it became clear that more than management, what was needed was leadership. Someone who could set the tone and help the team formulate a plan for specific goals to be met. In some cases, my highest priority was simply to connect with and build relationship with the stakeholders. While we managed the day to day operations, the leadership was crucial in getting at changes at a deeper level.

I have several changes that I’d like to make. Mostly they are focused around a central change of the culture of the organization or community. A negative attitude has become pervasive and is ingrained into the culture now. Without a change to the culture there will be no lasting change in any other area that I can foresee.

– exercise in leadership with Seth Godin at +Acumen



Drop me a note in the comments below, or connect with me on Twitter @ceilidhontherun or email me at trish at trishblogs dot com!

I invite you to subscribe to my blog using one of the options available on my page (email, rss, Google Connect, like my page on Facebook, etc.)

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