12in12, Day 9 – Photowalk

Another Momstaxi service day and therefore a day in which I need to multi-task, so I head out with girlies, camera bag, laptop bag and purse. Once they are safely delivered to the dance studio I head out for a walk, promptly, forgetting my camera bag in the car. So the photo walk will have to be carried out via tablet cam. Worked out well enough I think.

From 2012tabpix
From 2012tabpix
From 2012tabpix
From 2012tabpix
From 2012tabpix
From 2012tabpix

From 09/01/2012

After the walk I treated myself to a latte and pumpkin bread, relaxing with my book at the Second Cup. Turned out to be a pretty good evening.

Do you find it necessary to fit your personal commitments in around your family too? What is your best trick for sticking to the plan?


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Project 365 – (Jul 13)

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Project 365 – (Jul 12)

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Project 365 – (Jul 8)

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Project 365 – (Jul 7)

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Project 365 – (Jul 6)

I wish it had really been nice enough for everyday in July to be like this…

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Bedford basin:

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Project 365 – March 20

Bedford Basin:

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