Project 365 – hiatus – September 18

Not sure, if/when I’ll ever catch up. May have to start over. However, I wanted to share this snapshot that got a great response on Google+ from a friend! 🙂

My caption: Gorgeous brisk fall morning. Lazing in bed. Basking in the sun. Ready to conquer more boxes.

His comment: “love it. beautiful photo.I figure the young woman just got up out of bed after spending a disappointing night with her insensitive boyfriend. I think she’s going to dump him.”

From Instant Upload

Field Trip Photos

Photos taken at the Dingle (Sir Sandford Flemming) Park in Halifax, NS. Unfortunately Dingle tower is completely covered in scaffolding right now. 🙁

From Scenic
From Scenic
From Scenic
From Scenic
From Scenic
From Scenic
From Scenic
From Scenic
From Scenic
From Scenic

Fall Running & Back to Cool

With the exit of Hurricane Earl has come the cooler and drier fall air in short order.

Fall is my favorite time of year. It is also my favourite season for running. I love the changes. I love the change in the air from how it feels so cool & crisp to the smell of everything. I love the change in colours of everything around me. I love the crisp leaves crunching under foot. And I love the change from sleeveless and shorts to pants and long sleeves.

However, this is the second summer that I’ve felt summer wasn’t long enough. Last year we were just royally ripped off, with summer weather starting and ending (other than a one-off day here and there) way back in May. This summer has been fabulous in all respects. The weather has been out of this word straight through, and I had just graduated from my professional degree, begun my new job and reduced my working hours from a full-time job, plus school, to a 3 day/week job in my field of study. 4 day weekends, all summer long, plus vacation time – it’s been a dream.

The relaxing pace of summer was just what I needed on top of it all to rejuvenate and make up for some lost time with my children. However, I found as summer was coming to an end, that I still wasn’t looking forward to Autumn, my favourite season. I didn’t want the girlies to return to school, nor did I want the busy fall schedules to start. Yet here we are. The first day of school under our belt, and one of the many after school activities already begun.

It didn’t help that the summer weather was hanging on. setting records, and reaching the highest temperatures of the year, just as we were to let it all go.

About 4 weeks ago I decided that I needed to establish a manageable and sustainable fitness routine before everything else wound back up. Running has been my favourite means of exercise for nearly five years now. However, it’s been a constant struggle of two steps forward one step back, then two steps backward, one step backward, forcing me into a constant state of trying to get back on track. Fibromyalgia and the sleep problems that coincide present additional challenges, and it’s hard for my brain to forget the easier fitter days of my youth, (prior to letting myself go for nearly a decade).

But, I digress.

Just as I had gotten into a groove with a new routine of running first thing in the mornings, with plans to continue getting up before the rest of the family and get my workout in before getting everyone off to school and work, my back started spasming. For more than a week now I have nursed it, and it’s still not quite “right”. Now that Earl has cleared the air and autumn seems to be on its way, I am looking forward to getting back on track this week.

I want a do-over!

Summer, is just never long enough is it? I know some say they can’t wait to get their kids back in school and back to “normal”, but the season itself just goes by too fast.

We really do enjoy the fall and the back to school transition here. The newness of all of the activities and the familiarity of most. Autumn is really my favourite season (and it’s not long enough either). I love change, and there seems to be an extra abundance of it in the fall.

I love the fall foliage. I love starting dance and music lessons again. I love the cool dry air. I love running with fallen leaves crunching under my feet, in long pants and long sleeve shirts, while cool enough to enjoy the workout.

Yet, I despair the end of summer. We’re an active family and summer just flies by too fast, with the alternating vacations between here and their dad’s, with grandparents who also want time with their little ones, and with the desire to explore, there’s never enough time to just enjoy the relaxed mode of summer at home. This summer we stayed put once again for our vacation. Two weeks of hanging at the lake, afternoon trips to the ocean, and a couple of playdates with friends. But, summer is coming to a close and I feel gypped! We only get those two short weeks at home, doing fun family summer activities?

It’s simply not enough. I want a do-over.

I love the fall foliage. I love starting dance and music lessons again.