…not that I have really been off of it, since it’s inception
Well, now that school is back in for myself and the girlies, with new routines and demands on us all, I am back to “training” when I can, how I can. Stating that I am on a non-training plan, eased the pressure somewhat when I was feeling wracked with guilt for not being able to fit it all in, when I want to make my girlies top priority.
I have decided to incorporate regular rides in by transporting the girlies to school on dd4y’s preschool days (3 days/week) – not an easy feat towing a 26 lb. Chariot laden with girlies (close to 80 lbs b/w the two) and their school book-bags, on a fairly hefty elevation (about 100 Meters over 6k). Fortunately the worst of the uphill (almost the entirety) is on the way home when the Chariot is empty.
Even MORE fortunate – Ian can ride with me two mornings/week! He’ll tow the girlies on the downhill there and get us there faster! Then I tow the empty Chariot back UPhill :S
Back to swimming M / W a.m.’s with Ian. I can run weekdays with my flexible childcare, so I may get back to 5 * 20-45 min. runs and a long run and/or ride on the weekend. And I DO have a trainer for getting time on the “road” while studying
It all SOUNDS good.
Let’s see how it pans out!
* I Do have a couple of running “events” (I’m not racing ) planned in the near future
Next up:
Rum Runners Relay: Leg 3 – Sept. 29, 2007
Moncton Legs for Literacy: Half Marathon – November 4?, 2007