July 12in12 Challenge

Updating 12in12 challenge


I realized as the first half of the year came to a close that some of my 12in12 challenges just weren’t relevant for me anymore, so I have given myself permission to make substitutions. This month I have a living room that looks like a storage room and each day I find a home for something in the piles.


New challenges for the second half of the year:


JULY: declutter/organize daily


Practice yoga Everyday

Cycle Everyday

Run Everyday

Call someone I care about Everyday

Try something new Everyday



Drop me a note in the comments below, or connect with me on Twitter @ceilidhontherun, email me at trish at ceilidhontherun dot com, or use my contact form!

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12in12 update May/June

I can’t say my 12in12challenge is going very successfully anymore.

Last month was to unplug by 9. Very unrealistic goal. I made 10 most nights, but did allow myself a couple of freebies when I stayed connected later.

Here we are halfway through June and my 12in12 challenge hasn’t even been declared here! Obviously it is not to update my blog daily!

Meditation was my pick for this month, similar to mindfulness but not the same. It worked well for the first few days, now I need to reboot. Let’s see how the rest of June goes!

If you don’t know what the 12in12 challenge is all about, you can start with my blog entry here: 12in12challenge

12 in 12 Month 5 Unplug by 9

I practised mindfulness for April, somewhat unsuccessfully.  It seems I didn’t even manage to make a blog post indicating that was my challenge for the month.

This month my challenge will be to unplug by 9pm everyday.

My hubby will be very happy to hear this one.

Hopefully it will help me get my sleep cycle back on track too.

The hardest part about that will be that girlies’ bedtimes on week nights are 8pm & 8:30pm respectively. That doesn’t leave a lot of time for last minute checkins, etc. The second hardest part will be reading – I have three books on the go that are all ebooks. Not that I don’t have plenty of hard copy books to pick up after unplugging. 😉
*The only exception will be for a couple of work meetings that I have no choice but to do after 10pm because all of my counterparts live in earlier timezones than I.

When is the last time you had a weekend getaway?

For a mom, there is no shame in getting away from your family and day-to-day obligations once in a while. They just might need a break from you too. 😉 It’s been a long time since I found the opportunity to do so. Last time I tried, didn’t work out as intended.

Everyone gets a little break in the routine when Mommy goes away. The girlies get a break from mommy’s impatient demands… Ian gets a break from all of Mommy’s tossing and turning at night…

This girls’ long weekend to New York has been in the works for far too long, and was indeed much needed. Finding a friend to travel with can be tricky, but luckily we have had other opportunities for shorter road trips (to/from races overnight) before and knew we could travel well together.

We headed out taking the longer more economical route via Toronto. It gave us a chance to catch up and enjoy the hockey team lunch at the airport bar. 😉 After uneventful flights and a short train ride across the river, we found ourselves walking through Times Square on our way to our home away from home.

How lucky were we! We were spoiled rotten by our host with Broadway tickets all four nights of the visit, and fantastic “New York style barbecue” everyday at a different restaurant.

From February 14, 2012

During the day there were sites to be seen and adventures to behold!

Spiderman – Turn off the Dark was truly a spectacular show; Mamma Mia! Was so much fun;

From February 14, 2012

and Rock of Ages was funny and brought you back in time with great music.

A big Off-Broadway show that we were lucky to see is very quirky and hugely popular: Fuerza Bruta.

From February 14, 2012

Now, be assured, family at home were not forgotten, souvenir gifts and photos of things they would love to see in the Big Apple were captured for all.

Some favourite sites included: Central Park,

From February 14, 2012

Times Square,

From February 14, 2012

Grand Central, New York Public Library, Brooklyn Bridge

From February 14, 2012

and Lady Liberty.

From February 14, 2012

One of the most memorable was of course the 9/11 memorial site.

From February 14, 2012

All told Mommy enjoyed the break away, and looks forward to more time to herself in the near future! Perhaps even running under the palm trees of Palmetto, Florida!

12in12 challenge / Month 2 / Day 1

Today was Day 1, Month 2 of the 12in12 challenge. February is make and share one photo-a-day. I just finished a month of walking daily, and so today’s photo is of my wet walking boots drying by the fire.

2012: 4 weeks gone by! #12er (12in12 challenge) – Day 28

I want to provide a little update on some personal items.

From 2012-01-27

My core values for my life [Joy Equation]

For those who don’t know me outside of this little blogosphere, and for some who do, you may not realize that I have been off work, since before my mother’s passing, on sickness leave. I have a chronic pain condition called fibromyalgia. I blogged about it here before, but the general idea is that it’s a disease effecting soft tissue that causes moderate to debilitating pain, depending on many factors. Stress is a huge trigger for pain flare-ups, and things only got worse before they started to get better. It’s been a real battle for me over the past year.

I’ve been working hard at a number of things that I hope will help me get back to a healthy state of being. Most of these activities are things anyone could and likely should do to simply live a better life without regret. Mom taught me that this really is the most important thing to keep in mind in life. Will I regret this one day?

So, the main projects I have been working on towards change in my life are getting back into a regular routine of physical activity, trying to find a healthy way of grieving, bringing more joy into my life, appreciating all of the great things that I have in my life, learning new and better ways of being, and making small accomplishments towards bigger achievements. I’m trying to live each day like it’s my last.

We just never do know.

I signed up for a few challenges this year that I hoped would provide me with some motivation. So far it has worked.

The two big things I am accomplishing right now:

I am nearing the end of a successful first month of the 12in12 challenge, for which my goal in January was to walk 30 mins./day.

I have also been taking a class offered by Molly Mahar about bring more joy into your life. I am completing all of the exercises and really loving the introspection involved. I am going to confidently move forward in my life this year making big happy changes!

The biggest change will likely be one I just made official today. I am starting my own business, which will launch in March. As soon as I have a website to share, I’ll pass it along and fill everyone in! 🙂

So that’s my 4 week update. I’d love to hear yours!

Drop me a note in the comments below, or connect with me on Twitter @ceilidhontherun, email me at ceilidho at ceilidhontherun dot com, or use my contact form!

I invite you to subscribe to my blog using one of the options available on my page (email, rss, Google Connect, like my page on Facebook, etc.)

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What would mom say? And a small #12er update

I thought about mom so much today. And yet, I felt I had very little time to think of her at all.

I screwed up my baking and knew mom would have a good laugh with me about it. Reminding me that I usually prove to her that I did not get my baking skills from her. That it was likely just a hiccup in an otherwise wonderful talent.

There is so much happening that I wish I could talk with her about, from challenges with family, to my plans to get back into a good state of health. I’d love to share all the little details of the business I am considering, to hear her thoughts of what I could do to make it my own.

I want her to walk through the door with her exaggerated exclamations at all of the progress we’ve made in settling into our new home. She’d ask after my 12in12 challenge, and how my quest for greater joy in the big picture of life is going. She’d offer me encouragement at my set-backs and bad pain days, and she’d share with me how she feels/felt the same way sometimes. Mom would find the little celebrations, like how I’ve managed to walk everyday (yippee, today is day 25!), and she’d wonder at how fortunate it is that we bought that treadmill.

Mom would remind me, as if I might have forgotten, of what a good man I have found in Ian. How she knows he only wishes for my happiness, and that I only have to ask and he’ll do everything in his power for me. She’d point out all of the things she’s noticed about how he’s taking care of me, of us, of our family. She’d share again her happiness at our marriage and assure me that she was there with me cheering us on.

She just couldn’t hold on any longer.

She’d be saddened at how some things have unfolded since her passing. But she’d assure me that one can only do so much, and that I have to take care of myself, so that I can take care of those precious not-so-little-anymore girlies. She’d remind me that she’s here in all the wonder of life around us. She’s watching over and keeping an eye on dad out there all by himself.

Mom would ask after the books I am reading, and whether I’m still enjoying the book club. She’d ask after my friends. She’d tell me how much she’s enjoyed my photo projects and the annual family photo calendar I created and gave them again. Mom would have so much to say and ask of me, while as always sharing very little about herself.

The one thing she’d tell me of herself is how much she’s aware of my heartache and that she wishes she could take it away for me. She’d tell me that she remembers how hard it was when she too lost her mom far too young. When she’d had to comfort her children who’d lost their Nanny too soon, and look out for her dad on behalf of everyone, including her mom. She’d want me to be comforted in knowing that she eventually grew to accept her loss, and that I too would come to live on in her absence – finding joy in all of the little things and even more in all of the big things.

Mom would remind me that she’ll be here with me/us in every new dawn.

And for that, I thank you, mom.