Come Together

When crises hit, families tend to come together like never before. While we go through the turmoil of the declining health of our loved one, we try to find the positive things to grab onto. I find the simple coming together of our family to be one of those, as I am sure do all of my family.

Helping one another to cope, emotionally and physically, we all are looking out for one another.

Regardless of the depth of the challenges you have faced, you must have experienced something like this to some degree. You come to realize just how many people’s lives you touch, and who you can really count on. Your family sometimes expands to include non-blood relations, but friends who care as deeply, possibly sometimes even more so.

We are so fortunate to have a family who has overcome great obstacles and can pull together without hesitation. It also brings us such relief to know that the community immediately surrounding my family geographically can and will step in when we are unable. Yet, we also know that the ones who can provide the greatest comfort are without doubt none other than ourselves.

I have learned through previous situations of crisis that I must be proactive and plan how I can deal with these challenges with the least long term impact on my own health. Ultimately, my health effecting my ability to function and care for my family on a day to day basis. It becomes necessary to look at the demands and determine which ones cannot or will not be lessened, whether or not it be by choice. Where there is room, changes must be made, including making self care an even greater priority.

This certainly is easier when a practise of self care is already integral to your daily routine.

What does this look like for you?

For me, I have had to choose what commitments I need to cut back on, then make the time to include activities that have been falling to the wayside. I am including Moksha Yoga in my regular weekly practise, starting every 3-4 days, and will gradually increase as my body adjusts (fibromyalgia changes things from what I once would have done). In between, I will include other fitness programs that are also low intensity (i.e. going to check out Goodlife‘s Bodyflow class in the next two days), walking, and hopefully swimming and cycling.

I also need an emotional outlet: this blog, my scrapbooks, my photography, and other creative outlets will hopefully allow my mind a better flow of functioning.

So far, I feel like I am managing alright. My pain is worse, but that’s to be expected. Hopefully a regular routine of self care will start to bring about some improvements, or at the very least prevent further escalation.

I find it helpful to share with others when making life changes. Are you on a similar path to find balance?

Drop me a note in the comments below, or connect with me on Twitter @ceilidhontherun, email me at ceilidho at ceilidhontherun dot com, or use my contact form!

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About Trish

family legacy curator, social justice advocate, blogger, amateur photographer, reader, cyclist, runner & swimmer, mom of two

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pam young
pam young
13 years ago

Thinking of you.

13 years ago
Reply to  pam young

Thanks Pam.