Last weekend we watched one of my favourite comfort movies – You’ve Got Mail. I found connections to others’ emotions through movies. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen this movie, but I hadn’t watched it for a long time. I suppose it’s a good sign that I haven’t felt I “needed” a comfort movie for a long time and that I still I didn’t “need” the comfort from it now either.
I love the book shop that You’ve Got Mail is centred around, and I hate that it doesn’t get saved – but then it I guess that just makes it all the sweeter when the odds are overcome and the grand-daughter and grandson of the original Shop Around the Corner (letter writing) romance flick come together.

Connecting with others’ emotions in movies
I’d forgotten about the whole connection to grief in the story. Every moment that Kathleen speaks of her mom takes me right to that place of heartache at the loss of my mom. Kathleen aways spoke of her mom with a lot of love and a little hope that she was doing enough to make her mother proud. Like Kathleen, I can’t help but think about how I am/am not doing great by mom and her memory… that I wish I were further along with my creative endeavours.
When my mom died, I wrote letters to her… and then wrote back to myself imagining what mom would have said if she were still here with me today. The first year was filled with all of those firsts that are experienced without a loved one. But as the years passed, there have been unexpected moments, and mostly the milestones and holidays that seem to bring on the overwhelming grief. It’s better than feeling consumed by it, but some days, it hits almost as hard as when we first lost her.
Processing emotions
As we watched this old favourite of mine, I found myself tearing up over small moments that I don’t recall ever having any affect on me in the past. Connections through movies have helped me at times. We often look for comfort from things that will distract us. For me sometimes what I really need is to be overcome by the emotions that have been fleeting.
Connecting with the hard feelings and actually experiencing them is the only way to really grow and experience further emotions, from sad and angry to joy and happiness.
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