Days 5, 6 & 7

Friday was REST DAY! Woohoo!

Saturday, I decided to switch up my run and my bike (ride Sunday instead), as the wind was pretty nasty, bringing the temp down alot with the windchill, and it’s just warmer to run at about 10kph, than to bike at 25-30kph.

Ian and I got out for a nice run, cut the mileage back a bit as my foot was still bothering me some. I ran about 10km, then cooled down a bit longer than usual. Ian ran about 10.5km.

The weekend was very full with Sarah and her little one visiting for the weekend, and an awesome time had by all (only I forgot to get out the camera all weekend! 🙁 ) It made for a busy time, but was well worth it, after far too long had gone by between visits.

Today we dropped dd6y off at a birthday party at Spryfield community centre and took dd3y in the Chariot for a ride, she napped, while we got in about 1 hr 15 mins. of riding, in beautiful sunshine. It was a fantastic day for riding, and I wished we could have fit in a longer ride. Ian and I split the time towing the Chariot, and certainly got in some nice resistance training. I don’t know where we stopped along this route to turn back, but I plotted it to get an idea of elavation for reference. Ian towed on the way out, me on the way back.

About Trish

family legacy curator, social justice advocate, blogger, amateur photographer, reader, cyclist, runner & swimmer, mom of two

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17 years ago

Trish, I don’t know how you do it all. Just wanted to tell you I had a dream that you did awesome in your 70.3. Why you were dressed all in brown I’m not sure though. 🙂