Ran my regular route across the train bridge on the trans canada trail. It was cold and foggy this morning, but warmed up suddenly late-morning. I pushed a little harder than usual (trying to clear my mind and the lingering headaches I’ve had for days – only cleared when I ran Sunday, and again this aft). The bad thing about running hard on a warm day is that I have no shower at work. 😳 Better make sure I have strong deodorant, eh!?
Anyway, there were few runners on my way out – left at 12:10, but many on my way back in. Lots of walkers the whole time though. The breeze coming off of the river as I crossed the train bridge was o refreshing, but it just made me yearn for harboufront breezes! Look out Halifax, here I come!
The good news is that today I ran a PB (Personal Best) at lunch. Don’t know my distance – have never measured the route. I ran farther in less time than ususal though! AND Sunday’s run with Dani on the trail was my longest run without walking breaks to date! We ran about 10K. (Previously my longest continuous run was 6.5K).
great job trish!!
happy home hunting 🙂