Here on Earth – a review – #tbr2012 #50bookpledge

This year I have taken on a few challenges to help me meet a few of my goals, as I posted previously one of them is the 2012 To Be Read challenge. I am reading 12 books this year that have been on my to be read shelf(ves) for more than a year.

I completed my first one this week! I am so excited. This has also allowed me to complete book number 4 of the 50 book pledge!

Here On Earth by Alice Hoffman was one of Oprah’s picks on her show. I’ve been told of mixed reviews of it, but I truly enjoyed reading this book. There is something a little dark about it that reminded me of Steinbeck’s East of Eden (my all time favourite book). The portrayal of domestic violence/woman abuse was pretty eye-opening for those who may not have thought about it much. Without giving the story away, I felt the ending was appropriate in that this could have gone on and on, if she wanted it to mirror real life scenarios (where women leave (and return) an abusive relationship an average of 7 times before leaving for good).

A fairly quick read of a dark romance.

What would mom say? And a small #12er update

I thought about mom so much today. And yet, I felt I had very little time to think of her at all.

I screwed up my baking and knew mom would have a good laugh with me about it. Reminding me that I usually prove to her that I did not get my baking skills from her. That it was likely just a hiccup in an otherwise wonderful talent.

There is so much happening that I wish I could talk with her about, from challenges with family, to my plans to get back into a good state of health. I’d love to share all the little details of the business I am considering, to hear her thoughts of what I could do to make it my own.

I want her to walk through the door with her exaggerated exclamations at all of the progress we’ve made in settling into our new home. She’d ask after my 12in12 challenge, and how my quest for greater joy in the big picture of life is going. She’d offer me encouragement at my set-backs and bad pain days, and she’d share with me how she feels/felt the same way sometimes. Mom would find the little celebrations, like how I’ve managed to walk everyday (yippee, today is day 25!), and she’d wonder at how fortunate it is that we bought that treadmill.

Mom would remind me, as if I might have forgotten, of what a good man I have found in Ian. How she knows he only wishes for my happiness, and that I only have to ask and he’ll do everything in his power for me. She’d point out all of the things she’s noticed about how he’s taking care of me, of us, of our family. She’d share again her happiness at our marriage and assure me that she was there with me cheering us on.

She just couldn’t hold on any longer.

She’d be saddened at how some things have unfolded since her passing. But she’d assure me that one can only do so much, and that I have to take care of myself, so that I can take care of those precious not-so-little-anymore girlies. She’d remind me that she’s here in all the wonder of life around us. She’s watching over and keeping an eye on dad out there all by himself.

Mom would ask after the books I am reading, and whether I’m still enjoying the book club. She’d ask after my friends. She’d tell me how much she’s enjoyed my photo projects and the annual family photo calendar I created and gave them again. Mom would have so much to say and ask of me, while as always sharing very little about herself.

The one thing she’d tell me of herself is how much she’s aware of my heartache and that she wishes she could take it away for me. She’d tell me that she remembers how hard it was when she too lost her mom far too young. When she’d had to comfort her children who’d lost their Nanny too soon, and look out for her dad on behalf of everyone, including her mom. She’d want me to be comforted in knowing that she eventually grew to accept her loss, and that I too would come to live on in her absence – finding joy in all of the little things and even more in all of the big things.

Mom would remind me that she’ll be here with me/us in every new dawn.

And for that, I thank you, mom.

Go rain on your own parade!

I’m working on a business plan. In an effort to come up with a good one, I wrote a survey monkey survey that I’ve been asking my friends to complete and share. If you’d like to help me out, it can be found here:

Someone wrote a comment in the first question of my survey about whether one would join a bookswap site: “It’s called a library. It already exists.” My immediate reaction was “You A$$!” I mean: “Everyone is entitled to their opinion, thank you for sharing yours”. So, you don’t like my plan, you can simply say that you’d never use such a service yourself. Is it really necessary to rain on my parade?

I’m not going to let that one get to me.  But it got me thinking though: Do people not have any perspective outside of their own?  Not all solutions work for all people.  Period.

Even IF said respondent borrows every book they ever read (if they read books at all) from the library (never purchases even one book and then hoards, sells or gives it away) are we so blind to other people’s circumstances? I have been able to make much more use of the library lately than I had for a long time. I have much more time available (albeit still very limited) to sit for chunks of time and focus on one activity. This hadn’t been so for many years though. While my girlies were borrowing books left, right and centre (and yes, they too have hoards of books of their own) I was finding it next to impossible to make it through a book that I borrowed prior to the due date. The life of a single working mother and student leaves little time for such leisure. It was sometimes taking me months to finish one book!

But suppose I wanted to read something in particular from the library, I’d put in a book hold/request. Did you know that your local library does not own a copy of every single book title in existence?! I know. I was shocked to learn it myself. There were actually books I could not borrow/request from my local public library (and therefore had to purchase).

Now suppose that the book I requested was one of the more popular titles, I could be on a list as long as 100 requests for a title that the library owned 8 copies of. Not only did I have to wait up to several months for a title to come in, but I was then limited to it’s immediate due date. “No renewal”s were allowed for popular titles because there were so many holds on it proceeding me. I’d regularly end up returning the long awaited book, unfinished, upon its due date.

These are two of my frustrations with library loans. It’s even applicable to e-pub books!

But what if… what IF… I just want to have that book in my home to read at my leisure? What if I don’t want to return it ever, but think I might like to read it again? And again? And again? Is it so bad to purchase a book?  Is it so bad that at some point in time it might occur to me that I’m not actually going to read the book again anytime soon? And decide then that someone else may as well get some enjoyment out of it?  Sure, I can sell it to a used bookseller, but I won’t get much for it. It certainly won’t buy me another book. Yet, if I trade book for book, or credit for credit, I could get a book of the same value without being out any additional funds. AND no one will tell me, that I have to read and return that book in three weeks!

Oh sure there are libraries that already exist. They’re just not convenient to me.

But you know what? There are also grocery stores, coffee shops, book STORES, gyms, toy stores, etc. that already exist. That doesn’t stop entrepreneurs who think they have a shot at offering something unique, better, more convenient, or even in addition to meet high demand etc. from opening up shop. In fact, there are new libraries opening in cities, where libraries already exist!

Growth and development. What a concept.