12in12 – a pleasant twist on resolutions

12 in 12 – fantastic take on resolutions from Fitarella.com

12 commitments, 12 months in 2012.

These are mine:


Walk at least 30 mins. Everday

Pick one for the next month Before the month end!:

Write (journal and/or blog) at least 60 mins. Everyday

Read at least 60 mins. Everday

Make and share one photo Everday

Unplug by 9pm Everyday

Practice yoga Everday

Cycle Everday

Run Everyday

Practise Mindfulness Everday

Practise Meditation Everday

Call someone I care about Everyday

Go to Goodlife Everyday

Please share your 12in12 with me below or drop me a note!

Drop me a note in the comments below, or connect with me on Twitter @ceilidhontherun, email me at ceilidho at ceilidhontherun dot com, or use my contact form!

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