Introducing me… (again)

My name is Trish.  This blog is a personal project of mine where I am finding my voice.

Professionally, I am available for part-time/short-term freelance/consulting projects.  Use the contact form to send me your proposal/query and we’ll chat.

With respect to my personal blog: I am interested in the pursuit of bettering our lives.  I like to write about issues & activities of interest to me, sometimes doing advocacy work, sometimes to express myself personally.

I have just completed my studies for my post-degree bachelor of Social Work. My two beautiful girlies and I moved back home to Nova Scotia in July of 2006, after having moved around Canada. :) My time has been filled with parenting, studying, and triathlon training.

I have a broad range of interests,  but some of the things you’ll see me post about include: supporting the Canadian Diabetes Association, doing Team Diabetes events; scrapbooking; reading; running; social justice issues of a big range (i.e. poverty, early childhood education, family issues, woman abuse, family violence, child birth options, breastfeeding, healthy relationships, active transportation, sustainable environmental practises, and political reform); parenting; and balancing work with life…

I am currently a registered Social Worker Candidate in Nova Scotia – my focus of interest being community organizing.  I was previously an early childhood educator, child care centre director, and interim director of two not-for-profit agencies (family resource centre and women & children’s transition house).  Early learning & care, family, and women’s issues are all very close to my heart.

I hope you’ll take a moment to leave a comment and introduce yourself as well.  🙂

You can follow my posts by RSS feed, or email (see top right corner of any page).  You can follow me on, and I might even friend you on if you drop me a note with the friend request.