Celebrate this terrific mom with me!

This post is part of YummyMummyClub.ca‘s support of the Dove® Celebrate Mom Contest. I received compensation as a thank you for my participation. This post reflects my personal opinion about the information provided by the sponsors. You can nominate inspiring moms here: www.celebratemom.ca.

I’ve always been a big fan of Dove campaigns. Their past campaigns always stuck with me and I love what they are doing now to promote girls’ self-esteem. The Dove Self Esteem Fund has researched what has the greatest impact on girls’ self esteem and found it to be the real women who are positive role models in their lives. This contest is a great way to celebrate moms who are doing this everyday.


Ever since I signed on to do this blog post I’ve been struggling with who to nominate. My mom was one of those fantastic women who lived her life just as she wished and could genuinely say she had no regrets when her time came to an end far too early. I’ve been trying to live my life according to a philosophy of making my dreams happen, one day at a time. And so I spent a great deal of time trying to discern what other moms I know who live according to similar philosophies.


I recently wrote about another mom award and how I really wished that the finalists would include moms who have faced everyday motherhood challenges, have shown their way of finding their happy place, inclusive of all the challenges, accepting that there is no true balance, but that if we can live with the happy chaos and be our own bliss, without attempting to be supermom.

Naomi MacKinnon is a very dear friend of mine, although I must admit to being guilty of not staying closely enough connected over the years. Naomi had the same relaxed approach to childbirth and impending parenthood as myself and another dear friend of ours who were all expecting at the same time. She makes being a mom look easy, is focused on her children and her role as a mom.


Since her children were born, Naomi has made raising her fantastic kids her life’s work. She has shown them and other girls and women in her life that whatever works for your own family is the best choice for you. And when it comes to girls that can mean studying Marine Biology at university, becoming an early childhood educator, and then eventually choosing to become a stay-at-home mom.


I struggle to remain focused the way Naomi seems to. Her kids always seem to be at the forefront of her mind and activities for the day, whether she’s playing games with them, baking for/with them, or vacationing on annual camping vacations with family and extended family.


She has three beautiful children, two girls and one boy. One of the things that has always stood out to me was how fantastic Na was at displacing that gender role stereotype. All of her children played together at Barbies, outdoor skipping games in the campground, etc.



Visit http://www.celebratemom.ca by September 4th to nominate a mom who’s an inspiring role model to women and girls in the Dove® Celebrate Mom Contest. Four inspiring women will win $2,500 for herself and $2,500 to be donated to the charity of her choice. And check out more stories on YummyMummyClub.ca about amazing role model moms:





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