Who says these blogger campaigns don’t work?

I was a participant of a bloggers’ conference sponsored by FORD, then invited to a bloggers’ event about the wonders of Prince Edward Island as well as another FORD event spending a day in the Escape. So, what came of it besides my blog posts?


I bought a FORD Focus, then took a family vacation to Prince Edward Island in a loaner FORD Escape (to review in more detail)! What can I say? In both cases, we were not disappointed.


Our family vacation to PEI was definitely enhanced by traveling in style in a fully loaded Escape. The first thing we noticed was how much more comfortable it was for a long road trip than my Focus. Not just the extra leg room, or leather seats, but the comfort of the seating itself.

The next big highlight was the Sirius radio. There was a bit of a battle between Charlie & I versus the kids. Not really, but every chance we got, we switched it from the chart hit dance channels, back to 70’s, 80’s or 90’s. πŸ™‚


I hadn’t really anticipated the use of the GPS would be necessary in such a small place as PEI. With Charlie driving around like he knew the place almost as well as his hometown, I would have been at a severe disadvantage without it if I’d suddenly found myself chauffeur-less on those crossroads. Never mind the senseless driving in circles it saved us, trying to find that Pizza Delight or some such shop that Charlie was certain was there. πŸ˜‰


Once we left the highway, and had crossed the Confederation Bridge (big anniversary this year!) we rolled down the windows, opened up the moon roof, and may have even gotten a little sunburned (oops!) My favourite feature above all was the backup camera. Driving in and out of crowded parking lots if far less stressful with a camera that shows all of the blind spot right behind the vehicle, especially when it beeps at you when you begin to approach something within its range. πŸ™‚

What’s a family vacation in PEI without COWS ice cream, or amusement parks? We ran out of time for the beach, much to my disappointment but those girlies had the time of their lives. Charlie knows how to make vacation all about the kids, letting them make most of the choices, and stay as long as they like.


Sandspit was the first big day, with Shining Waters and a little shopping on day two. Swimming at the Rodd Mill River resort pool. Eating. There’s so much to do on the Island, a weekend is far too short a time. We’ll be back for an adult vacation again soon! Then we can better take advantage of the good food and music so plentiful!

Traveling with 9 & 11 year olds is great, they entertain themselves well, make friends everywhere they go and can actually take in some of the rides, etc. on their own! I can’t think of many places but PEI where I’d be comfortable letting my kids run off and return to my bench after I got tired out!


#peibound #fordescape


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Experience PEI

Did you know there are more than 30 golf courses on Prince Edward Island? If I were a golfer, or at least had a golfer in my life, this would probably really excite me. πŸ™‚

An invitation to experience Prince Edward Island ~The Gentle Island~ on the Halifax waterfront turned an unsuspecting evening into one of the most fun experiences I’ve had in my favourite/home city. And now I have locked in PEI as one of my family vacation destinations for the near future.

Being from Nova Scotia, it’s not the authentic island experience that attracts me so much, or even the coastal drives (I’d actually really like to cycle the Island coastline one day), but the rich farmland of the Million-Acre-Farm right next to the coast and of course the theatrical experiences of Anne of Green Gables to share with my 9 & 11 year old girls.

Recently I’m spending most evenings on my own I decided to take a chance and invite a new friend I’d only just met to join me. Lucky thing I seem to find like-minded adventure seekers to share my time with!


We arrived as Chef Corbin TomaszeskiΒ of the Food Network‘sΒ β€œDinner Party Wars”, β€œRestaurant Makeover” and β€œCrash My Kitchen” was introduced and he explained how we were going to have an interactive food experience cooking with a team rather than sit and listening to him as he demonstrated β€œHow boring would that be?” But just to make things interesting, he insisted we switch partners with someone else in the room since we could/did cook with our guests all the time! I looked at my guest, we gave a little chuckle. So much for talking over our food and getting to know each other better! Chef Corbin is very entertaining. We had a lot of laughs as he described such things as his nocturnal racoon-like wife who is expecting twins in just two weeks, and β€œhiding” his mom’s rice under the rim of his plate as a child. He had us prepare and taste 3 different dishes that each included lobster and fresh vegetables that will be plentiful during PEI’s Fall Flavours festival, which Chef Corbin will be a part of.

photo provided by Tourism PEI

After the food demonstration and tasting ended, we moved outside to the Courtyard of the Lower Deck. I love the summer experience of Halifax waterfront, and it did not disappoint. The weather was perfect. There was more food and great musical entertainment from PEI. 2011 ECMA winner Meaghan Blanchard started us off with her spectacular voice while we ate more tasty PEI treats and had a few drinks, then Paper Lions came on. Their music was a complete change from Meaghan’s and every bit as wonderful.

photos provided by Tourism PEI


photo provided by Tourism PEI

We mingled with the other guests had lots of great conversation, then left with a big gift basket filled with PEI delights! I’ve already devoured everything and didn’t even share. I guess I’ll have to restock when we visit.


I can’t wait to spend time getting to know the National Park of the Island, where the whole family will be able to enjoy the activities we love like cycling & running, hiking and swimming! There’s even a 75km challenge we could participate in for the 75th anniversary, if we get there before October 2012!