Trish Blogs… Wine, for a Change

One change that is very welcome for many at this time of year is the change of seasons. Soon it will be spring and everything will start budding again. Without seasonal changes we can’t have gloriously tasty wines like those served at the recent ice wine festival. Or at the fall winery tour that some participants of Blissdom Canada had the treat of going on.

Here’s a little taste of what’s in store if you take a tour in Wine Country Ontario:

Fielding Estate Winery:

This newer family winery has won many world class awards for their winemaking. It is a breathtaking cottage-country style building with an incredible view of Toronto across Lake Ontario.

Ontario Wine Country 2012-10-21 11.43.10 2012-10-21 11.50.56 2012-10-21 11.54.05  2012-10-21 12.02.02 2012-10-21 12.04.39  2012-10-21 12.08.31 2012-10-21 12.13.20 2012-10-21 12.12.47 2012-10-21 12.33.42 2012-10-21 12.25.22

Vineland Estates Winery:

One of the larger wineries in Wine Country Ontario, is celebrating thirty years on a property that has much longer historical connection (1840’s) to the farmland of the vineyards. It has a world class winery restaurant where we were treated to a three course meal paired with a selection of wine.

Our tour was fascinating and educational, while at the same time magnificent. We learned about the process of making wine as well as the proper technique to make the most of a wine tasting. I have a newly developed desire to tour vineyards & wineries all over the world now!

2012-10-21 11.59.28 2012-10-21 12.59.51 2012-10-21 12.06.33   2012-10-21 13.07.04  2012-10-21 13.25.51 2012-10-21 13.22.53 2012-10-21 12.36.24 2012-10-21 12.51.13 2012-10-21 14.10.54 2012-10-21 13.07.37 2012-10-21 14.12.03 2012-10-21 14.12.16 2012-10-21 14.13.25 2012-10-21 13.25.53 2012-10-21 14.43.46

Photos made with my tablet, if only I’d dragged my DSLR along for the picturesque tour!

All expenses associated with the wine tour were covered by Wine Country Ontario. All opinions expressed are my own.


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About Trish

family legacy curator, social justice advocate, blogger, amateur photographer, reader, cyclist, runner & swimmer, mom of two

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Kathryn Lavallee
12 years ago

Tee hee! Wasn’t this so much fun! I LOVED the scenery; all I’ve ever seen of Ontario is downtown Toronto so experiencing wine country was amazing! 

12 years ago

 It really was an awesome day. I think we got the best excursion. 😉