Memories of Mom (collage)

Memories of Mom

When is the last time you had a weekend getaway?

For a mom, there is no shame in getting away from your family and day-to-day obligations once in a while. They just might need a break from you too. 😉 It’s been a long time since I found the opportunity to do so. Last time I tried, didn’t work out as intended.

Everyone gets a little break in the routine when Mommy goes away. The girlies get a break from mommy’s impatient demands… Ian gets a break from all of Mommy’s tossing and turning at night…

This girls’ long weekend to New York has been in the works for far too long, and was indeed much needed. Finding a friend to travel with can be tricky, but luckily we have had other opportunities for shorter road trips (to/from races overnight) before and knew we could travel well together.

We headed out taking the longer more economical route via Toronto. It gave us a chance to catch up and enjoy the hockey team lunch at the airport bar. 😉 After uneventful flights and a short train ride across the river, we found ourselves walking through Times Square on our way to our home away from home.

How lucky were we! We were spoiled rotten by our host with Broadway tickets all four nights of the visit, and fantastic “New York style barbecue” everyday at a different restaurant.

From February 14, 2012

During the day there were sites to be seen and adventures to behold!

Spiderman – Turn off the Dark was truly a spectacular show; Mamma Mia! Was so much fun;

From February 14, 2012

and Rock of Ages was funny and brought you back in time with great music.

A big Off-Broadway show that we were lucky to see is very quirky and hugely popular: Fuerza Bruta.

From February 14, 2012

Now, be assured, family at home were not forgotten, souvenir gifts and photos of things they would love to see in the Big Apple were captured for all.

Some favourite sites included: Central Park,

From February 14, 2012

Times Square,

From February 14, 2012

Grand Central, New York Public Library, Brooklyn Bridge

From February 14, 2012

and Lady Liberty.

From February 14, 2012

One of the most memorable was of course the 9/11 memorial site.

From February 14, 2012

All told Mommy enjoyed the break away, and looks forward to more time to herself in the near future! Perhaps even running under the palm trees of Palmetto, Florida!

12in12 challenge / Month 2 / Day 1

Today was Day 1, Month 2 of the 12in12 challenge. February is make and share one photo-a-day. I just finished a month of walking daily, and so today’s photo is of my wet walking boots drying by the fire.

12in12, Day 9 – Photowalk

Another Momstaxi service day and therefore a day in which I need to multi-task, so I head out with girlies, camera bag, laptop bag and purse. Once they are safely delivered to the dance studio I head out for a walk, promptly, forgetting my camera bag in the car. So the photo walk will have to be carried out via tablet cam. Worked out well enough I think.

From 2012tabpix
From 2012tabpix
From 2012tabpix
From 2012tabpix
From 2012tabpix
From 2012tabpix

From 09/01/2012

After the walk I treated myself to a latte and pumpkin bread, relaxing with my book at the Second Cup. Turned out to be a pretty good evening.

Do you find it necessary to fit your personal commitments in around your family too? What is your best trick for sticking to the plan?


Drop me a note in the comments below, or connect with me on Twitter @ceilidhontherun, email me at ceilidho at ceilidhontherun dot com, or use my contact form!

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The Nick-Kelsh-You-Post-it-and-I’ll-Comment Marathon results

Thanks to Nick Kelsh, I improved two of my favourite photos significantly by making a couple of simple edits to these shots, as he suggested on How to Photography your Baby:

From 365
From 365

Therapeutic serenity

From Family 2011
From Family 2011

Project 365 – hiatus – September 18

Not sure, if/when I’ll ever catch up. May have to start over. However, I wanted to share this snapshot that got a great response on Google+ from a friend! 🙂

My caption: Gorgeous brisk fall morning. Lazing in bed. Basking in the sun. Ready to conquer more boxes.

His comment: “love it. beautiful photo.I figure the young woman just got up out of bed after spending a disappointing night with her insensitive boyfriend. I think she’s going to dump him.”

From Instant Upload

Project 365 (Aug 25)

(Still catching up…)

From 365

Project 365 (Aug 24)

Surf’s up!

From 365

Project 365 (Aug 21)

From 365